Try Robbie’s Great British Menu dishes

Judge for yourself food that made national television

For those of you that missed it, Robbie’s Great British Menu performance is still on iPlayer – give us a watch and tell us what you think. Spoiler alert!

After a nail-biting regional heat where Robbie made it to the judging chamber and was one of the final two chefs representing London and the South-East, we’re going to be serving his whole GBM menu throughout April so you can come down and try the dishes for yourselves.

We’re going to have Robbie’s Captain Pugwash-inspired fish course on the menu, ‘Fancy a Little Smackerel’, and of course his special Queen of Hearts dessert – if you think they looked amazing, wait 'til you taste them. It’s going to be a fun-filled feast for all the senses, don’t miss out!

Robbie Lorraine